Downgrade mac os 11
Downgrade mac os 11


  • Flash the machine using a tool called Apple Configurator 2.
  • Now, the laptop was technically usable during this time, it was just sort of untenable in case of an update, because the machine would become impossible to use. They eventually offered a few suggestions, and after I got those, I kept working. I tried explaining my problem to them, and they offered a few ideas, but nothing I tried would work. It was an Apple problem, but I was the one who had to solve it. No terminal command I tried seemed to work. I could not create new accounts on this machine. As I was trying to lower the system’s security settings, I ran into a strange error: “No administrator was found.” I was not the first to run into this error, but nothing I did could fix it.


    (Dear Apple, if you’re reading this, this is a crappy user experience!) But on the plus side, it exposed a problem that could have been a huge headache down the line. The process of making Loopback work on Big Sur is already needlessly complicated, requiring logging into the M1’s recovery mode, lowering the system’s security settings in Startup Security Utility, and typing in a specific command. So things seemed OK at first, but then I tried loading an application I regularly use, Rogue Amoeba’s Loopback, and found that the process would not work at all.

  • Load up MacOS, and realize there was a problem.
  • downgrade mac os 11

    However, this was a particularly slow process, taking four and a half hours to complete for about 500 gigabytes of data, despite the fact I was using a high-speed NVMe drive in an enclosure, connected over USB-C. I had a backup of my data from before the Monterey install, so I had that ready to go upon reboot.

  • Restore the backup using Time Machine.
  • downgrade mac os 11

    This part of the process seemed fairly normal.


    During this process, I had to basically reformat the old drive to install the operating system fresh. Why doesn’t Apple offer a graphical interface to do something so basic? Ask them! With a trusty flash drive (which I had to connect through a dongle, of course), I was able to run a command in terminal to create a bootable installer for Big Sur. Run a command to create an installer USB drive.If you clicked on the app in Monterey, it would report the app as unable to load. Installing the package for Big Sur was a GUI-driven process, but it was the only part of the only thing that could be considered user friendly. Let me break down my process, step by step:


    So the process of downgrading from the current version of MacOS to the previous version was an annoying stew of terminal commands and increasingly complex tactics as, for nearly a week, I did not have full control over my computer. The many steps it took for me to get my machine working correctly again I would format the drive again before I was done. The image I took after formatting my drive for the first time. But for me, personally, they were still still extremely annoying. In the hands of someone who hasn’t perhaps Hackintoshed a laptop before, these might have been famous last words. Now, Monterey was a little buggy for me in aspects that I considered important-namely webcam quality and audio recording quality-so I thought, hey, let’s downgrade. So I tried it, and it worked, even if I uncovered some limitations with Parallels in the process.

    downgrade mac os 11

    I get that Apple is building a new architecture, but it feels like Apple may not fully get the convenience factor of running a virtual machine if this was what I had to go through to run Monterey even for testing. It was basically a black box of sorts, and nothing like the VMs you can usually use on Parallels.

    downgrade mac os 11

    You couldn’t throw more RAM at the VM, or increase the size of the virtual disk. And there were some limitations in the format-for one thing, it did not support any changes in settings. Because Apple is still trying to work out the kinks of its virtualization approach on the M1, apparently, it requires you to run the Monterey virtual machine on Monterey. Now, a clear use case for running a virtual machine using a tool like Parallels is to virtualize an operating system newer than the one you’re running for testing purposes, so you could get a feel for the interface and understand where bugs might be in the process.īut no, that was not what the virtualized Mac-in-a-Mac setup offered. This was a marquee feature of Parallels Desktop 17, which was just released a little over a week ago. So the reason I wanted to install Monterey is rooted in the fact that I wanted to test out Monterey-but, additionally, I wanted to see what it was like to virtualize MacOS in Parallels on the M1 processor. (Apple) What led me to install the Monterey beta It looks so clean and simple in press image form.

    Downgrade mac os 11